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Hi Cup Noodle! I just created this account, I cannot pay for the premium pack with a card, I live in Colombia and I use a daviplata card to pay, is it not possible?

(1 edit) (+1)

Hi Cup Nooble,
Thanks for providing a free version of this asset pack. I used it in my game submission to the Godot Wild Jam #62.

Let me know if you'd like adjustments to how you are credited on the page. I can update the credits in-game after the voting period ends.


Eyyy yooo love the alternative take on the usual farming-style game !
And the dialog is so super funny, great job, it's not often I laugh at game dialog, but this was generally really funny to me :D (had to show my friends too) !
The time limit worked really well too was in a constant rush C: in a good way was never bored. And those guard dogs, man you made them way too scary >< !
have not won yet tho but the third time will be my lucky round for sure! great game loved it and the little characters too  !

If you want I offer anyone who makes games with my asset pack to showcase them on my main itch page as a way to support and show appreciation, of course, this is optional, it's all up to you. In addition, I can also make a shout-out for your game on the Sprout Lands Twitter page :>


Aw thanks for all the comments! I'm glad it made you laugh, too. I had fun making it.

I'd definitely appreciate your support on both platforms, especially the showcase on the itch page. Thanks!


Oki Oki ^u^ Your game is now being showcased on my itch page   !
I'll send out the shoutout later today on Twitter(X) when I have a little more time on my hands c:

Hi Cup Nooble Hope You're Well If You Can Please DM me @C0derIdiot In Twitter I would like to talk to you about artwork i need for FarmTopia 

y las actualizaciones?

Hello author, is it possible to use it commercially after purchasing a premium pass? I saw a game called Sprout Valley on steam. Did you make it? After purchasing the picture pack, I can also make a game similar to Harvest Moon. Is it a game? I hope to make an interesting and casual game based on my ideas and your picture package.

I'm using translation software, hope you can understand what I mean

Yes i understand what your are writing :) ! And yes you can make your own commercial game with these game assets. Would love to see your game ideas and play your game in the future, good luck :D !

(1 edit)

Anyone worked with such assets with Phaser 3 before? 

Any good tutorials out there on how to use the tilesets/character spritesheets etc

I figured how to load the character sprite sheets but currently stuck at how to make a map using the tilesheets

Hello,i have 0 knowledge in gaming i am just a teacher and i wanted to create an alphabet game for my students, i thought coding was hard and i got no time so i thought about getting game assets ( as agamer i know there is such a thing) so now how do i use those assets, like what program?


Hi mernda, I recommend using the Godot engine ( It’s free, open source and the Godot programming language (Godotscript) is as easy-to-learn and intuitive as Python. There are tutorials on Youtube, and you can download a 2d Starter template from the Community Asset store. Then just import these graphic assets, and you’re already half-way to a cute top-down 2D game. Good luck!

thank you <3

Hi. Love your assets a lot. Do you plan to start working on Ocean Expansion somewhere soon? I figure that will be a great addition to the existing assets I have now :D


Hello, I have purchased your premium pack and loved it.

I have a question:

If I want to create a new tile from your tiles for easier loading in my game, what application would you recommend?

For example, combining the first 9 tiles in "Darker_Grass_Hills" and other tiles in "Tilled Dirt", into a new tilemap file "Floor".

Is there a better way than cropping one tile at a time, and combining them one at a time?

Sorry for the dumb question >_<


Hi, i'm making a gaming using your assets:
Thank you for your awesome work ^^


the trailer preview looks incredible! do you know when you are going to release?

(1 edit)

Thanks  ^^, the release date is november 17th

Hi, i add the game to the wishlist, the game sounds very good, great job dude.

I'm starts to study game development recently and i want to create a game at that style too.

Sorry for the english, i'm still learning

What games engine I can making it on my games such as likes unity, buildbox or unreal engines? TIA THANKS!


This pack is amazing. Just looking at it inspires so much

(1 edit)

Made a Discord game with this pack! Looks great, Cup Nooble!


Yooooo that is so Awesome >v<  !!! 

I'm actually currently working on a little Sprout Lands Discord server, for anyone interested in games, game dev, programming and pixel art, all that sort of stuff :D !

I think it would be pretty cool to let people play your game and have a little farm on the server, of course all the credit for the dafarmz goes to you and I could make you a little special role maybe c: would that be cool with you ^^ ?

That'd be pretty awwesome!! I'll join


Ayyyy awesome ^^ !!!


Wanted to say thanks for this super cute pack! It's helping me learn a lot getting it all functional in a little game.

Awwww super happy to hear ^^ 

wish you an amazing game dev journey with lots of learning and exploring :D

all the best of luck to you Denesta 

(1 edit) (+1)

Hi! Just passing by to say that I've made a game using your extremely cute assets! Here is it ^^

Thanks for provide some of your work for free. Take care!

Awwww what a cute game >w< love it !!!  

Great job no7sag :D !!!

If you want I offer anyone who makes games with my asset pack to showcase them on my main itch page as a way to support creators like you, of course, this is optional, it's all up to you. In addition, I can also make a shout-out for your game on the Sprout Lands Twitter page :>

Sure! I would be pleased c: Thanks in advance and keep up the good work~

okiiii ^u^ !!! 


I really like your assets and I'm using it to develop my first game. It's very cute!


Eyyyy thats awesome ^^ wish you a fun game dev journey with lots of learning cool game dev things!

Deleted 1 year ago

OoooOooo cool what kind of commersial project ^^?

no need to worry about grammar mistakes c:

Deleted 1 year ago

Hi Kuro.kky :D !!!

Thank you so much ! I am super happy to hear my asset pack could be of help for your exam and nice to hear you got the job, congrats ^^ 

I just played your game, love it, super fun with such addicting gameplay   !    

I offer anyone who makes games with my asset pack to showcase them on my main itch page as a way to support creators like you, of course, this is optional all up to you. In addition I can also make a shout-out for your game on the Sprout Lands Twitter page :>

Deleted 1 year ago

I have been thinking about making a Sprout Lands Discord, but haven't gotten it done yet, maybe I should set it up sometime this week ^^

But for now you can add me on Discord my username is cup_nooble

I also tried to comment on your game but each time I got a message about an issue with the itch sever and that I had to try again late :|




Ayyyy THANKS SC W56 !!!


是的,下一次更新将包括更多植物,我还将在未来的更新中添加猪 ^^



hi, are there plans to include cute little pigs that love to play in the mud and such?


hehe definitely ^^ ! it wouldn't be a complete farmer asset pack without little piggies c: 


Absolutely love this pack. Bought it and have been using it in almost all of my side projects!

Any chance you'll make an NPC pack with some different characters and outfits? Li'l guy needs some non-animal friends. :P

For sure have sounds like a good idea :D ! happy to hear the pack could be of use c:
I'm writeing cusomizeble  non-animal npc down on my list of work and start on it after i finish the first part of the dungeon pack im working on ^^


Amazing work I love all of this and huge inspiration for my work! Take care


The plants and animals are absolutely adorable, I love the characters, and other animations too. Really cute asset pack you've put together here, love it!!


So adorable!


Thank you for the very happy sprites. Think there are many types of games and adventures in store for this bunny. I’m new to game development, like many commenters here (using Dragon Ruby)

To get the tileset working, I am using a tile size of 48x48 (3*16). When drawing, I use an image size of 20x20 otherwise it clips the bunny’s ears. To draw I set the upper left corner to 14x14 pixels. I then scale to 2x.

Still have not figured out a good way for a collision box. Think I’ll use the 20x20, but it is looking a little strange.

Is this similar to how you have set things up?

Maybe buying aesprite may help me understand this better. I used pyxel because that is what I already own. Hoping to figure out how to implement fishing.

Going from free to premium moved around the files a bit. Could you point me to the Egg_And_Nest.png?


This is perfect, I was looking for an asset pack just like this for game prototyping. Excellent work!

Love both your packs, been using them to create a prototype for my game ^^

Currently creating some objects that was missing for my project and I was wondering if you're using a color palette when designing your sprites and if so; is it possible to get access to it somehow? //One lazy beaver

Yes yes of course ^^ I was sure I already had included it in the pack but must have accidentally taken it out at some point ._. but it is back in the asset packs now :D 

here is the pixel version if you use Aseprite --> 
YOu might be able to use it in other software too I'm not sure 

but also here is a preview of it too :

hope this can be of help,
thanks for reaching out One lazy beaver.


You're the best! :D <3

Hello Cup Nooble, I'm trying to make a game with the premium pack with the new tilesets but I seem to have a problem with the hills, for the Grass_Hill_Tiles_Slopes I can't seem to find anything to connect it to the Grass Hill Tiles or Dark Grass Hill Tiles, they have it in the Preview but the Hills in the preview and the Hills in the Pack are not the same, this one premium pack/Tilesets/ground tiles/New tiles/TILES PREVIEW.png.  I tried every Tiles but I can't seem to connect both together, but it's a really lovely, cute and cool Sprites

Oh, I'm so sorry >< I will get it fixed up eminently :D !!! thank you so much for letting me know it means so much > <

The problem is fixi fixed now :D !!!
again a big thanks to you Cloud$helter !

Nooo a big thanks to you! you're working so hard! It's a really cool asset your doing and I really want to see the finished version BUT take your time to relax and have a day off your health is very important 😊

(1 edit) (+1)

Thank youuuu so much Cloud !!! 

yeeee I really try my best here :3 But I am also very passioned about this project and very much like working on it, and so very very much appreciate all the nice comments I get. The community here on itch is really nice ;-; soo many nice, hard-working and passioned people here it is so nice to feel like a part of it. Bringing something for others to use in their projects and learning feels the least I can do ^^


Hello Author! I am beginner at making 2D games at unity.
for the first time my game looks beautiful, but I missed the part that I can use this assets only in non-commercial project, that means that I cant publish my game on
is there any way to use you pack for free ;(? 

(1 edit) (+1)

If you want to earn money from the pack it should be possible to pay $3.99 or am I wrong? You can also use the pack in a non-commercial project…

Sorry Cup_Nooble that I am hanging in there but I find the question a bit disrespectful considering the amount of work, assets and their quality.

no need to be sorry c: appreciate that you would put in the time to write a reply for me like this ^^ and ye have indeed put a good amount of my time into this over the past year and a half >< tho it might not look like much at first sight, but there was also a lot of learning in it I had to do C:

Hi g3que ^^/ 
Awesome to hear you made a nice game :D would love to see it ^^!!! and ye, to use my assets in a commercial contest you would need to have purchased the premium version, then you can make as many moneys as you would like :3

Awesome asset pack! I purchased the premium version but it seems that some assets may be missing from the Tile Update. For example, I don't see the dark green leafy tiles. I only see them in far right of Sprout Lands - Sprites - premium pack/Tilesets/ground tiles/New tiles/TILES PREVIEW.png. Is that asset not available yet?

Oh woopsie mistakes happen >< ! thank you so much Hanakita, thanks for letting me know ^^ I will get it fixed now :D yay !

should be fixed now ^^ named it Bush_Tiles 

Awesome! Thank you!


This is so adorable! I’m currently learning game development for the first time, and I made the chicken the avatar. The way its run is animated gives me so much joy

Awwww how awesome ^^ ! happy to hear you like the chicken animation 

Wish you have a fun game dev journey :D !

(1 edit) (+1)

Thanks for this beautiful pack !!


So beautiful thanks!!


Chickens out yaaaay


When will the other packs be out?

(Dungeon one especialy) any time soon?

Right now I'm deciding on what would be best to work on next and I think the Dungeon pack might be it ^^.
( excited to work on that one hehe )

I think I'm going to make a pole on Twitter to see what most people would be finding useful c:

looking forward to it

Hi just checking if the chickens and stuff are implemented? I saw in the update notes it says you added them but I can't find them in the premium file

Hi, Game Dev Knight ^^/ Thanks for asking. the chicken update is still under construction, but I'm almost done with it and finishing up the last thing, and working on the dev log for it. the chicken update should be done within the next three days c: 

The finished updates have dev logs and images, while the upcoming updates are under those, sorry that I made it unclear.

nice man thanks a lot

(2 edits)

Hello, I made a game using clearcode's tutorial and I found you. I bought your asset packs and have been updating the game. I changed the art to be using your premium pack. I'm hosting the game on GitHub, could I ask you to please have a look through it to make sure there isn't any licensing issue? To clarify, I'm making the game for fun - not for any monetary purposes. Please let me know if there's any way I can send you the github link.

Thanks for reaching out, I would love to look through your game ^^ !

im not to strict with how people choose to credit me, im just happy when they do, so im sure there is no problem :D 

you can send a link to this mail here :


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