I'm working on learning game dev, and was wondering if there would be any animation added for picking/harvesting crops in a future update (sorry if I missed it!)
That is a great idea I will add that for sure I can't promise when but I will write it down and add it as fast as possible :D I might make a forager update then with more mushrooms and more inventory icons for collectible items ^^.
Hi! Just a message to say that I just bought the premium pack and I'm very happy with it! I'm also very excited about the GUI extension you mentioned, and I'll definitely get it when it comes out. Keep up the good work! :-)
Hi Carter thank you so much ^^ i am happy to hear you like my work. My commissions are currently closed but when I open them again you can message always message me on instergram, twitter or send a mesage to my my mail : thecupnooble@gmail.com
Hi, I am create a co-op bundle to celebrate World Environment Day, I want invited you to join, all content related with nature and environment can be join, if you are interested you have join in the follow link: https://itch.io/jam/world-environment-day-bundle-2022
I'm excited and I appreciate your interest and your participation, thank you very much and good luck!
Hi friend, the co-op bundle has been created, now you need to approve your participation in the bundle so that it can be published, thanks for your participation, I remain at your disposal for any questions, greetings!!!
It makes me very happy to hear that you are looking forward to the upcoming updates, sadly I am not sure when I will be able to finish them up since I am really busy with work and college finals right now (which is also the reason for my super late reply, I'm so sorry > < )
let me know if there is anything specific you would like in future updates, and I might add it :D
yes for sure I am actually working on more updates at the moment, sadly I am not sure when I will be able to finish them up since I am really busy with work and college finals right now (which is also the reason for my super late reply, I'm so sorry > < )
let me know if there are anything specific you would like in future updates, and I might add it :D
Hello! For the upcoming UI update, are you using a specific font for your text, or is it hand-drawn? I'm using your asset pack for a design and wanted consistency throughout the UI.
right now I only have some hand-drawn texts, I will probably try and make some actual fonts if I can or else there are lots of great pixel fonts on itch already ^^
Thank you very much SneakyOnion :D !!! ( great name by the way ^^ )
yes for sure I am actually working on a GUI pack at the moment, sadly I am not sure when it will be finished since I am really busy with work and college finals right now (which is also the reason for my super late reply, sorry > < )
but hopefully, the first version of the UI pack will be up sometime this summer :D
Oooo a treehouse :o for sure ^^ and for mobs I have planned to include cows, chickens, and cats for this pack. in the future, I will do an animal expansion with different kinds of animals and at some point, I am going to be doing a dungeon/cave/Mine expansion which will include some different enemies :>
Thanks for sharing your game jam game It's a really neat idea, batteling the ever-growing weed >:3
I also watched the video and if you decide to keep working on it I very much look forward to it seeing how it will evolve.
sorry for a bit of a late reply, I wish I could answer everyone faster, but I am right now on my last two months of college D: so very busy studying
Also if there is anything you would need for your game let me know and I might add it in future updates, and when I get a bit more free time might also be able to do some pixel assets specifically for your game ^^
Thanks for watching and don't worry, all the best for your last two months at college! :)
At the moment i am reworking the controls in order to fit them for mobile and gamepad. After that i want to fletch out the Gameplay Loop a bit more, to make it much more interesting - already have some nice ideas :) So i will let you know then for sure, thank you very much for your offer.
umm... I am very sorry Exocizcs. You should not need to buy it every time there is an update.
When I update the pack I switch out the old one with the new one and everyone who had access to the old one should also have access to the new version.
Loving this pack. Worth every penny, and then some! I'm curious about the dirt and hill tile sets. They don't seem to be set up for autotiles (at least with Godot autotiles). Is this a common setup for tiles? And is there a typical way they're used?
This is pretty common to see for tiles, if you are on not beta Godot, autotiling is essentially broken anyway. Beta godot has made some wonderful changes to tilesets though.
Yeah, I'm on Godot 3.whatever-number. Not the new Godot 4 hotness. I don't really mind how it handles Autotiles but some tile sheets (like the dirt and hill sets from this pack) don't have a tile for every possible position. So it makes the Autotiling a little wonky. I can use it up to a point. Then I have to go pack to the tile atlas to fine tune stuff.
Not the end of the world but figured I'd make sure I wasn't missing something.
Yeah, dialogue boxes are definitely a must ^^ actually I am currently working on a UI pack,
I made a post over on the Sprout Lands twitter showcasing the UI elements I have been working on so far, so if there are any UI elements missing there please let me know :D
No problem Issam :D ! I really enjoy working on this project so I am just happy others can find use in my wok ^^ I was thinking about making an Animal expansion at some point so knowing that others would need it just puts it higher up on my priority list.
I have been working on a few animals but no ducks or penguins but I will definitely add those to the animal extension pack :>
Thanks for your nice message :D
Also good luck with your school project and portfolio !!!
Hey Cub Nooble thank you so much for this amazing pack! I have one small problem in the wooden house tileset. If I cut it up 16x16 everything lines up nicely except the right wall and the left part of the roof end up in the same tile. I wonder if you could place it in a way that they end up in different tiles. Thank you again for your amazing work!
Thank you for the quick fix! I have two small suggestions for the pack if you don't mind. The first being a sappling and the second would be seed tiles for each of the crops!
Just wanted to let you know that the Grass tileset is missing from the Premium pack. I was able to find it in the Basic pack, but it took me a while, cos I assumed everything in Basic is included in Premium :)
you can use it where ever you want as long as you credit me for the sprites.
and good luck with your game :D if you don't mind you can also show it to me when it is done I would love to see it ^^ but of course, you don't have to.
you can use it where ever you want as long as you credit me for the sprites.
and good luck with your game :D if you don't mind you can also show it to me when it is done I would love to see it ^^ but of course, you don't have to.
I have been a bit busy with some freelance work lately, but I am working on the chicken update right now, and I can't wait to share them with you and everyone else :D
Hello, can you please name all plants in farming plants sprite? Building the database so I am a bit confused on some. Maybe a good idea would be to put names in descriptions 😌. Thanks!
Used the pack for a game I made within 24 hours called Paw's Ranch <3 The Pack is awesome and super cute and I'm telling everyone where I got it, so I hope you get some sales out of it ;)
← Return to asset pack
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Hello, I absolutely love your art style!
I'm working on learning game dev, and was wondering if there would be any animation added for picking/harvesting crops in a future update (sorry if I missed it!)
Hi, rjacks ^^ !
Cool to hear you are learning game dev >:3 !
That is a great idea I will add that for sure I can't promise when but I will write it down and add it as fast as possible :D I might make a forager update then with more mushrooms and more inventory icons for collectible items ^^.
Sounds awesome!! Thanks so much.
No problemo ^^ !
And I say thanks for the kind comment and great suggestion :D
I just bought the premium version and I'm loving it! But can you tell me the plant's names, please? n_n
Yes of course :D
- corn
- carrot
- cauliflower
- tomato
- eggplant
- blue tulip
- letus
- wheat
- parsnip
- red flower
- beet
- some special blue star fruit ??? :o
- and cucumber
Hi Arceus11 ^^/
to answer your question - Yep, you 100% can :D
This is sooo cool, is this compatible with RPG Maker?
hi Pit ^^
hmmm... I am not sure I have not used RPG Maker that much.
if you run into some problems using the asset pack let me know and I will see if I can do anything to make it more compatible with RPG Maker :>
Hi! Just a message to say that I just bought the premium pack and I'm very happy with it!
I'm also very excited about the GUI extension you mentioned, and I'll definitely get it when it comes out.
Keep up the good work! :-)
Hey Cup,Can I Use The Character And Some Assets For My Project,Wich I Want To Publish On Here On Itch.io?
Thank you
Yep you 100% can :D !
let me know when it is up i would love to see what you make ^^
Hey cup! I love your work, do you offer commissions or is there any way to get in contact with you? Thanks!
Hi Carter thank you so much ^^ i am happy to hear you like my work.
My commissions are currently closed but when I open them again you can message always message me on instergram, twitter or send a mesage to my my mail : thecupnooble@gmail.com
i really adore the artstyle! Especially the color choices. Are you using a premade color palette? If so, would you tell which one it is?
Thank you so much Gin-Tonic :D !
the color palette is one I made myself ^^ so I will remember this and include it with the next update :D!
( If you have the pack and open one of the Aseprite files the color palette might be there but I am not sure if it is the newest version
Hi, I am create a co-op bundle to celebrate World Environment Day, I want invited you to join, all content related with nature and environment can be join, if you are interested you have join in the follow link: https://itch.io/jam/world-environment-day-bundle-2022
I'm excited and I appreciate your interest and your participation, thank you very much and good luck!
Woooow that is really cool :O
I love nature <3 so I really can't say no to this > < !
Thank you so much L4MOS for inviting me to join this bundle hopes it all goes super good :D !!!
World Environment Day <3 ( should be every day ^^ )
I appreciate your participation, thank you very much and good luck!
Hi friend, the co-op bundle has been created, now you need to approve your participation in the bundle so that it can be published, thanks for your participation, I remain at your disposal for any questions, greetings!!!
Yes i have approved :D
Amazing Pack, Cute, Animated. Instantly Bought this!!! Looking forward for next update
Thank you so much, Hanstopz !!!
It makes me very happy to hear that you are looking forward to the upcoming updates, sadly I am not sure when I will be able to finish them up since I am really busy with work and college finals right now (which is also the reason for my super late reply, I'm so sorry > < )
let me know if there is anything specific you would like in future updates, and I might add it :D
Can I use your artwork to make games for sale?
Hi KamBKH Studio, thanks for asking ^^!
Yep if you buy the premium version you can use the asset pack in any commercial project :D
I bought it, the graphics are very nice. Hope you will have more new updates!
Aaawwww thank you so much Baybedragon :D !!!
yes for sure I am actually working on more updates at the moment, sadly I am not sure when I will be able to finish them up since I am really busy with work and college finals right now (which is also the reason for my super late reply, I'm so sorry > < )
let me know if there are anything specific you would like in future updates, and I might add it :D
Hi, just one question. If i buy the premium pack, is it optional to credit you? or is it mandatory? anyway, nice asset pack!
Hi Alberto molero :D !
Thank you for asking,
you don't necessarily need to credit me directly, and please don't credit someone else for the assets.
But I would greatly appreciate credit for my work :> it doesn't need to be super direct just somewhere.
Hello! For the upcoming UI update, are you using a specific font for your text, or is it hand-drawn? I'm using your asset pack for a design and wanted consistency throughout the UI.
Thank you!
Thanks for your message jpar96 :D !
right now I only have some hand-drawn texts, I will probably try and make some actual fonts if I can or else there are lots of great pixel fonts on itch already ^^
I adore this art style and wish to see more for sure!! (maybe a GUI pack?!?!?)
Thank you very much SneakyOnion :D !!! ( great name by the way ^^ )
yes for sure I am actually working on a GUI pack at the moment, sadly I am not sure when it will be finished since I am really busy with work and college finals right now (which is also the reason for my super late reply, sorry > < )
but hopefully, the first version of the UI pack will be up sometime this summer :D
Are you also Yolopops? https://store.steampowered.com/app/1906160/Sprout_Lands/
No, I am not sure who Yolopops is.
Thanks for showing me this, I will see if I can get them to credit me for my tiles :>
I'd be more worried that they or someone else is stealing. They have all fake reviews on their games.
It's so cute
Thank you Flippysheep :D !
This pack is absolutely gorgeous!
Thanks Saskyakya, Thanks for the kind comment :D
Thanks for the great asset pack. I've seen you are always up for some recommendations.
A treehouse and also some mobs would be a great addition.
Yep I am indeed always up for recommendations :D
Oooo a treehouse :o for sure ^^ and for mobs I have planned to include cows, chickens, and cats for this pack. in the future, I will do an animal expansion with different kinds of animals and at some point, I am going to be doing a dungeon/cave/Mine expansion which will include some different enemies :>
Hey Cup Nooble! Thank you very much for making that very nice and cute asset pack!
I dropped you a comment, because you may want to see your asset pack in action :) I bought and used the premium pack in my ludum dare 50 game jam: https://ldjam.com/events/ludum-dare/50/my-happy-weedy-farm and it fits perfectly.
Looking forward to more updates and might consider turning this jam game into something bigger.
Thank you very much for your work!
Hi MarinWin :D
Thanks for sharing your game jam game It's a really neat idea, batteling the ever-growing weed >:3
I also watched the video and if you decide to keep working on it I very much look forward to it seeing how it will evolve.
sorry for a bit of a late reply, I wish I could answer everyone faster, but I am right now on my last two months of college D: so very busy studying
Also if there is anything you would need for your game let me know and I might add it in future updates, and when I get a bit more free time might also be able to do some pixel assets specifically for your game ^^
Hey Cup Noodle!
Thanks for watching and don't worry, all the best for your last two months at college! :)
At the moment i am reworking the controls in order to fit them for mobile and gamepad. After that i want to fletch out the Gameplay Loop a bit more, to make it much more interesting - already have some nice ideas :) So i will let you know then for sure, thank you very much for your offer.
If I've bought the premium, for every update, how do I get them?
umm... I am very sorry Exocizcs. You should not need to buy it every time there is an update.
When I update the pack I switch out the old one with the new one and everyone who had access to the old one should also have access to the new version.
Thanks for this lovely pack !
I'll try to do my first Godot's project with it ! Hope you'll like it ! ;)
Thanks, I am happy to hear you like my asset pack :>
And wow it is an honor to know my asset pack was used for your first Godot project, I really look forward to playing it :D
Let me know if there are any assets that you need for your game, then I might add them in a future update ^^
Loving this pack. Worth every penny, and then some! I'm curious about the dirt and hill tile sets. They don't seem to be set up for autotiles (at least with Godot autotiles). Is this a common setup for tiles? And is there a typical way they're used?
This is pretty common to see for tiles, if you are on not beta Godot, autotiling is essentially broken anyway. Beta godot has made some wonderful changes to tilesets though.
Yeah, I'm on Godot 3.whatever-number. Not the new Godot 4 hotness. I don't really mind how it handles Autotiles but some tile sheets (like the dirt and hill sets from this pack) don't have a tile for every possible position. So it makes the Autotiling a little wonky. I can use it up to a point. Then I have to go pack to the tile atlas to fine tune stuff.
Not the end of the world but figured I'd make sure I wasn't missing something.
I see, I will definitely be updating those two sprite sheets in the next update :D
Thanks for your feedback it is highly appreciated and helps me improve the quality asset pack :D
Thank you for the update. Looking forward to it! :)
Yes, i second that. I had to workaround some edge cases as well :D Would really appreciate if this gets an update for making Autotiling work nicely.
Never mind, I found it lol
Just bought premium pack, absolutely love it and developing a personal game using it. If there's houses included would be nice
I'm happy to hear you like the pack Exocizcs ^^
I will for sure do some houses for the premium pack any specific kinds you had in mind :o
Thank you! Will keep suggesting, like dialogue box and etc. Haha, these are the required assets for a game
Yeah, dialogue boxes are definitely a must ^^ actually I am currently working on a UI pack,
I made a post over on the Sprout Lands twitter showcasing the UI elements I have been working on so far, so if there are any UI elements missing there please let me know :D
I love this art style great job!
Thank you so much Toothie :D
What a cute asset pack
I'd love to make a game with this :>
Thank you Lapnio :D !
I am happy that my asset pack could spark some game creation motivation ^^
Heyo Cup Nooble!
Absolutely adore this art style - I sent a quick message over on Instagram if you have just a moment!
Heyo Claykramer :D !
Thanks for letting me know, i will go check it now ^^
Hi Cup Nooble! Thank you for this pack!
I got the premium version and I absolutely love the art style. Everything looks stunning!
I want to make a game about animals for a school project and portfolio purposes and my idea features penguins and ducks.
I was wondering if you have plans to add more animals to the pack (or another pack) such as dogs, ducks, and most importantly for me, penguins!
No problem Issam :D ! I really enjoy working on this project so I am just happy others can find use in my wok ^^
I was thinking about making an Animal expansion at some point so knowing that others would need it just puts it higher up on my priority list.
I have been working on a few animals but no ducks or penguins but I will definitely add those to the animal extension pack :>
Thanks for your nice message :D
Also good luck with your school project and portfolio !!!
Hey how is everything! I loved the character arts can I use it in a commercial project with some modifications?
Thanks, I am happy you like my animations, and yes feel free to modify the sprites for your project ^^
and also if you want to, you can show me your project when it's done I would love to see what you make :D
Nice I cant wait to see it > < !!!
Hey Cub Nooble thank you so much for this amazing pack! I have one small problem in the wooden house tileset. If I cut it up 16x16 everything lines up nicely except the right wall and the left part of the roof end up in the same tile. I wonder if you could place it in a way that they end up in different tiles. Thank you again for your amazing work!
yes of course I will have this fixed later today :D
thanks for letting me know about this silly mistake ^^
Thank you for the quick fix! I have two small suggestions for the pack if you don't mind. The first being a sappling and the second would be seed tiles for each of the crops!
OOOooo :O yes, there should definitely be sapplings for the trees and seed tiles, why did I not think of this ^^
thank you so much Shadowlauch, these are great suggestions i will write them down on my list of upcoming updates :D
Hallo Cub Nooble! This is adorable <3
Just wanted to let you know that the Grass tileset is missing from the Premium pack. I was able to find it in the Basic pack, but it took me a while, cos I assumed everything in Basic is included in Premium :)
Awwww thank you so much for letting me know I will have it fixed right away :D
Yes, the premium version gives you permission to use it in a commercial game.
And good luck with your game dev ViniMoraes :D
you can check this, if it can help you to make a commercial game.
Awesome! I hope to publish my game around the end of March, and it use this pack!
NIce ^^! Cant wait to see your game :DDD !!!
let me know when it is up.
can i use these for a game on scratch?
Yes, go ahead ^^ !
you can use it where ever you want as long as you credit me for the sprites.
and good luck with your game :D
if you don't mind you can also show it to me when it is done I would love to see it ^^ but of course, you don't have to.
Yes, go ahead ^^ !
you can use it where ever you want as long as you credit me for the sprites.
and good luck with your game :D
if you don't mind you can also show it to me when it is done I would love to see it ^^ but of course, you don't have to.
I need chicken and fish. 😆 Everything is really cute.
aww thanks, Phatvphat ^^ !
I have been a bit busy with some freelance work lately, but I am working on the chicken update right now, and I can't wait to share them with you and everyone else :D
Hello, can you please name all plants in farming plants sprite? Building the database so I am a bit confused on some. Maybe a good idea would be to put names in descriptions 😌. Thanks!
good idea I should probably have that in the description ^^.
but for now, here is a list of the current farming plants :
- corn
- carrot
- cuoliflower
- tomato
- eggplant
- blue tulip
- letus
- wheat
- parsnip
- red flower
- beet
- some special blue star fruit ??? :o
- and cucumber
let me know if there are any more plants you need ^^
Thanks! I think I have enough for now 🤗
Used the pack for a game I made within 24 hours called Paw's Ranch <3
The Pack is awesome and super cute and I'm telling everyone where I got it, so I hope you get some sales out of it ;)
Awwwwww Thank you so much !!! I really appreciate it ^^ !
I just played your game and it is super nice and chill :>
I love how intuitive it is so it doesn't need any instructions and it's playable right away, ^^
thank you so much for showing me Paw's Pach ( cute name by the way ) it really made my day :D
you can also always let me know if there are any assets you think would be a good addition to the pack :D
also, is it okay if I give a shout-out to your game on the sprout lands Twitter :o ?
Someone used this asset pack in a cute little game jam game and I had to pick it up! It's so cute!
Holy moly! This is very cute! Now I have to follow!
Thanks 2 Bit Determine ^^ ! Is appreciated.